Why do people choose wool? Carpets and rugs made from wool come in a wide variety of styles and shapes and they provide some very unique characteristics. Wool has been used for centuries and it has been the first material choice of rug makers throughout the years. Wool rugs and carpets are both natural and
When you’re planning a remodel or redecorating your home, you need the proper vocabulary to express what you have in mind. There are a few things that people get mixed up in interior design, for sure. Drapes and curtains, eggshell, satin, and semi-gloss paint finishes, and carpets and rugs. Great News: the answer is easy
Any carpet you find on the market today will likely be reasonably good at letting go of stains. But that’s not enough in a pet house. You need pet resistant carpet.
It’s no question that carpets are exposed to unfortunate stains, persistent trampling, and accumulated dust. We know there’s a fear in the back of your head that it’s going to leave a stain even though you’re doing your best. And it might. Kids, pets, and parties are all high-risk for your carpet. No one wants
Carpet can be a complicated choice to make. We love the softness, the look, the feel of carpet, but we often find ourselves worrying about long-term issues with stains and discoloration. Mohawk carpet understands these worries, and created a carpet just for people who want their flooring to always return to clean after any
Carpet has been made the same way over the last 50 years. Half of the weight of the carpet provides no value except for holding it together. The face fiber does all the work and sees all the wear. With Mohawk AIR.O carpet, the face fiber, binder, and backing are all polyester, fusion-bonded together. The
Having сlоѕе friends and family аrоund the house eating and drinking іѕ always a great time. What’s nоt fun, though, is the wіnе ѕpill оn уоur саrреt that can be impossible to рrеvеnt. Spilling red wіnе on уоur саrреt requires prompt асtіоn tо remove the wine, otherwise you can еxресt a permanent mark оn the саrреt. And
Dо уоu love уоur rugѕ and carpets? If уоu ѕау yes, then let’s extend their beauty and useful lіvеѕ аѕ far into the future as possible. Carpets get rерlасеd on average еvеrу ѕеvеn уеаrѕ. Mоѕt replacements involve a home remodeling either prior to a home being ѕоld оr аftеr purchase. If уоu plan to keep
There are not exactly “rules” for placing rugs. More like guidelines and opinions. Standards that usually work, and are a great place to start. And although there may be exceptions, it’s unlikely that your home is one of them. Angles and Lines Maybe your rug has lines or stripes on it. That may be
Area rugs are here to stay, but the styles and the way we use them keep changing. And that’s good! We don’t want to get bored with our homes. So let’s look at how people are keeping in fresh while protecting their floors, shall we? Photo by Trang Nguyen on Unsplash Layered Area Rugs Layered