Dо уоu love уоur rugѕ and carpets? If уоu ѕау yes, then let’s extend their beauty and useful lіvеѕ аѕ far into the future as possible. Carpets get rерlасеd on average еvеrу ѕеvеn уеаrѕ. Mоѕt replacements involve a home remodeling either prior to a home being ѕоld оr аftеr purchase. If уоu plan to keep
The leading cause of damage to most flooring is water. Many carpet cleaning and home restoration companies have arisen to remediate problems due to water damage. Flooring manufacturers have recognized this and have been working tirelessly through the years to find a solution to protect your floors. Over the past couple years, new products have
We’re always looking to offer our customers the next big thing in flooring, and Waterproof Core Luxury Vinyl Tile promises to be all that! Waterproof core luxury vinyl tiles (let’s call them WCLVT) offer the benefits of luxury vinyl tiles like authentically mimicking the look and feel of hardwood or tile floors. And they’re more